Soundart Radio is a non-profit community radio station broadcasting full time on 102.5 FM and online.
We widen access to media and create positive change in society
We are a safe and welcoming space, and actively promote the perspectives of marginalised and vulnerable people
We respect the environment and use resources with care
We value creative freedom, experimentation with radio form, and collaboration
We take care of ourselves, one another, and the radio station.
Our remit is to promote arts and music, reflect the local community, create new formats and styles of radio programmes and to provide time and space for experimentation and creative risk.
Programmes include:
In depth discussion programmes and long conversations
Specialist music programmes
New writing, radio drama, poetry
Arts review and arts based chat shows
Live improvisations
Field recordings
Long form radio
Programmes made by underrepresented groups
Broadcasts from festivals and installations
Programmes made by children
Before making radio for broadcast it is important to understand this document.
In return, you are warmly invited to be actively involved in making the station happen, including proposing programme ideas, helping to run the studio, supporting event management and lots more fun stuff..
The majority of people join the station because of an interest in broadcasting. However, the schedule has a limited amount of time, so we may need to take account of:
Which kinds of voices are currently represented on the station
Which programme ideas fit closely with the station's licence and style
Work, caring or other responsibilities of staff and volunteers
The balance of programme content across a typical week
Availability of supervisors to support live programme makers
Schedules are regularly reviewed, at least twice a year, so if an idea is not right for one time, it may be facilitated at a later date.
As a licensed broadcaster, we follow Ofcom’s Broadcast Code at all times.
Some key points:
Avoid swearing and offensive language
Don’t promote practices and activities that may harm others
Balance: a wide range of perspectives is valuable and needed, but this doesn’t mean all opinions have equal weight – rather that they should all be subject to the same level of scrutiny.
This might be creative content, eg storytelling, drama, poetry. We also really welcome discussion programmes, which include live and pre-recorded chats and interviews. You will need to brief your guests first and be clear with them that this is a live, licensed broadcast.
Things that work really well are: inviting local people in to talk about their lives, promoting arts and culture, promoting local organisations and charities, and engaging with researchers and experts.
There are also some problematic topics and attitudes that are not permitted on Soundart Radio, including:
Placing blame for social problems onto marginalised or vulnerable groups
Climate denialism
Discussions about health that promote distrust in doctors
Local campaigns from one side only
Ongoing court cases
Political coverage in the lead in to elections (local or general)
Hate speech
Swearing and offensive language
Promotion of potentially harmful activities, including violence and drug taking
Keeping the space safe, clean and tidy for other users
Supervising the studio, to answer enquiries, welcome visitors and support live shows.
Volunteering at our children’s activities, for example helping with cooking, crafts or broadcasting.
Volunteering at fundraising and promotional events
Attending members meetings, especially the Annual General Meeting, which is generally held in the Winter.
Communicating well with managers and other members, including reading emails and notices.
Keep the space clean, tidy and clear of clutter
Handle equipment gently
Welcome visitors
Wash up any cups etc you use
Treat everyone with respect and courtesy
Explain the values of the station to others
Broadcast if inebriated
Smoke in shared spaces, or in front of children
Behave in predatory ways towards others
Give out other people’s contact details without their permission
Radio programmes can be broadcast live from the studio, or produced elsewhere. Some are a mixture of the two.
Programmes can be sent in online, for example, with dropbox or wetransfer. It is helpful if this is 24 hours ahead of broadcast.
Please edit your show to have a fairly consistent level throughout, and normalise to -2db.