Initially held in 2009, when we began broadcasting on our Community Radio licence, First Spark is a weekend of radio experiments to coincide with the ancient festival of Imbolc, or...
May Day is important in Devon - ask the morris dancers who meet on the moor at dawn, or the may queens and processional types in the towns and villages...
Lammas marks the beginning of the harvest time. On our way to the studio, we are distracted by the first ripe blackberries, and dawdle to swim in the Dart. We...
We love Halloween, which marks the end of the harvest, and the beginning of the dark half of the year. We love to dress up, make things, tell stories and...
We are uniquely - a radio art and experimental station in rural England. We do not aspire to being an urban, masculine, electronic or highbrow project. We seek instead to find new ways to listen to rural life.
We want to note the changes of the season by celebrating the four festivals of :-
The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals. It consists of either four or eight festivals: either the solstices and equinoxes, known as the "quarter days", or the four midpoints between, known as the "cross quarter days". Observing the cycle of the seasons has been important to many people, both ancient and modern.
It's interesting the way time can stretch and shrink. If you find that a programme starts a bit later than scheduled, it could well be that the presenter was delayed by the glimpse of a badger or a kingfisher on the stroll up to the studio. In other words Soundart runs on deep-nature-cylical time, rather than Victorian-railway-linear time. Not typical of a radio station we know, but we quite like it this way.